Hi there,

I am presently coding a little CMS. I want to give users the
possibility to add images to articles as easily and flexibly as

Does anyone have a recommendation on how to do it? So far, you can
upload an image which then is checked for its dimensions. If
necessary, the user is redirected to a flash tool that enables you to
resize the image (imagemagick), a given aspect ratio is kept. A thumb is created and 
those two files
are written to the database.

I also write the alignment to the database as chosen during upload. And I have a 
system that replaces tags like #img1# in a template with a table
to nicely display the images from the db.

The only problem is: how do I allow users to insert those images in
the text? If I work with a fixed template, the number of images in an
article is limited... I have thought about using buttons that you
could press while editing the text that would then capture the cursor
position in the textarea. But that would only work in IE and is not a
very nice solution...

Thank you for your suggestions...


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