why does the cache control header generated by php (under 
session_cache_limiter = nocache) needs to have no-store? It 
makes pressing Back in the browser requests a new version of the 
page (which is unwanted in some situations, e.g. while filling 
form and needs to edit a few fields before re-submitting).

Also, when I am editing the script and had a fatal error (like a 
PHP syntax error), the stored version of the page by the browser 
is always the one with a fatal error, and I need to always 
refresh to get the current version (I am using a 'Never check 
for newer versions of pages' in my browser, which is fine for 
most circumstances).

Can I remove the 'no-store' parameter from the generated 
Cache-Control header, without resorting to session_cache_limiter 
= private (since this also have some Refresh problems in IE)?


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