Folks, occasionally the odd spam message is going to slip through our
various safeguards and spam will go out on the PHP lists.  We are working
on improving things on our end to reduce the amount that slip through, but
we also need your help with the following:

 1. Do not respond to the list complaining about the spam.  That just
    makes things worse.

 2. Do not report the spam to the upstream providers of the PHP mailing
    list server.  People tend to report the spam to the abuse address
    at Pair Networks which only serves to get our provider upset at us
    and does nothing to combat the original spam.  

 3. Please just hit your delete key and move on if you see a spam.  
    Local spam filters such as SpamAssassin or Bogofilter are quite
    effective at catching the ones that slip through our net.  If
    you really feel the need to yell at someone over the spam, please
    yell at us.  Send your gripes to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we will try
    to address your problem.


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