I am trying to modify a node name and it mostly works, except that
appendChild seems to strip the text that FOLLOWS after a subnode.
Leading text and subnodes appear to be retained perfectly, just not text
trailing the subnode. I tried using cloneNode, but that discarded the
children even when I sent "true" as an argument.


$html='<div>div1 <b>bold1 <i>italic1<u>underline1</u></i> bold2</b>
div2<b>bold3</b> <u>underline</u></div>';


$dom = new DomDocument;



$nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('b');

foreach ($nodes as $oldNode) {

    $newNode = $dom->createElement('strong');

        foreach($oldNode->childNodes as $thisOldNode) {

            if ($thisOldNode->nodeName == '#text') {

                $newNode->nodeValue .= $thisOldNode->nodeValue;

            } else {

                // ---- appendChild seems to cause the issue ---- //




    $oldNode->parentNode->replaceChild($newNode, $oldNode);


//for debugging:

echo nl2br(htmlentities($html)) . '<hr />';

echo nl2br(htmlentities(str_replace(array('<body>', '</body>',
'</html>'), '', strstr($dom->saveXML(), '<body>'))));



Should return:

<div>div1 <strong>bold1 <i>italic1<u>underline1</u></i> bold2</strong>
div2<b>bold3</b> <u>underline</u></div>


Instead returns:

<div>div1 <strong>bold1 <i>italic1<u>underline1</u></i></strong>
div2<b>bold3</b> <u>underline</u></div>


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