Hi all.

Firstly apoligies to those on the list who receive every email to the
general list in their inbox like I do :-)

I've just spent a rather frustrating five days (15hrs/day) trying to compile
php 4 for use both at the command line and within apache 1.3.12

I've scanned the lists and internet looking for solutions to the issue
outlined in the subject above and have found the following solution, which I
am posting for future refernce, so hopefully it will help others.  This is
the procedure I used to produce the php binary (CGI) but the mods to build
the apache stuff are minimal.

I haven't tested either of these yet but I think there are 2 options for the
apache side of things:
--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs (or wherever your apache source tree
--with-apache=../apache_1.3.12 (or wherever your apache source tree is)

Add either line to the Build_php4 script below.

If anything in here looks really wrong can somebody please modify it
accordingly and repost it.

If this is considered an inappropriate post, can somebody let me know a
better place to put it (or even better a Web Site to put it on).

The issue is with PHP not being able to find the compress and uncompress
routines when calling/compiling using the MySQL libmysqlclient library.
The 2 routines in questions belong to the Zlib compression.
(The nm tool can be used to show that the routines are marked as "UNDEF"
which means they are from another externally called library)

The scenario/setup
SCO Openserver 5.0.5
php-4.0.4pl1 (although I tried 4.0pl2 as well)

Everything I build is from /usr/local/Build
I use /usr/local (the default) for the --prefix option to configure scripts.
I also have things like GD, OpenSSL, Mod_SSL, BerkeleyDB (what a drama) and
a whole bunch of stuff froim the SCO Skunkware brigade

What I did (My scripts etc)
The first tricky thing I found was to ensure that programs could find the
libraries when required.  Much searching of the NET came up with some things
I have put into a script:



if [ -f /usr/local/openlink/openlink.sh ]; then
  . /usr/local/openlink/openlink.sh


I note that by default SCO looks for libraries in /lib and /usr/lib.
Creating symbolic links from /usr/local/lib etc into /usr/lib also seems to
work, rather than the variables.
I am not a C programmer so I have no real idea what the 3 environment
variables are and I believe that there is another one called LD_RUN_PATH as
well, but I don't seem to need it.
On the apache front, I modified my apachectl startup script to call this
script with ". /usr/local/bin/LD.sh" (the dot is crucial) to import the
variables into the script before starting apache so apache can find the
libraries and openlink stuff as well.
For Linux users this stuff is unnecessary (I think) as you can modify
/etc/ld.so.conf to add any non standard directory like /usr/local/mysql/lib
(the default I think).
Then run ldconfig to rebuild the list (I can't remember if a reboot is
necessary but I don't think so) and voila, linux can find the libraries

- with zlib compression enabled
- my libz.* files reside in /usr/local/lib

Configured MySQL ready to run make with the following script:
rm -f config.cache
./configure \
  --prefix=/usr/local \
  --enable-assembler \
  --enable-large-files \
  --without-debug \
  --with-comment \
  --without-bench \
  --with-named-z-libs=z \

1) I modified the PHP configure script (using information from a previous
post regarding modifying Makefiles) to add -lz (to have PHP include the Zlib
libraries any time is uses mysql).
In my case the relevant lines were:
Changed From LIBS="-lmysqlclient $LIBS"
Changed To LIBS="-lmysqlclient -lz $LIBS"

2) Configured PHP ready to run make with the following script:
Most of the stuff is irrelevant to the issue and some of the options are
ignored, but I haven't work out which ones yet.
I think having the with-openlink line means the the without-iodbc line is

rm -f config.cache
./configure \
  --with-openlink \
  --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local \
  --with-dbm \
  --with-mysql=/usr/local \
  --without-iodbc \
  --enable-discard-path=yes \
  --enable-magic-quotes=yes \
  --enable-track-vars=yes \
  --enable-memory-limit \
  --enable-trans-sid \
  --enable-versioning \
  --enable-shared=yes \
  --enable-static=no \
  --disable-pear \
  --disable-xml \
  --disable-bcmath \
  --disable-calendar \
  --without-gd \
  --without-cybercash \
  --without-mod-dav \
  --without-gdbm \
  --without-ndbm \
  --without-db2 \
  --without-db3 \
  --without-cdb \
  --without-dom \
  --without-gettext \
  --without-hyperwave \
  --without-icap \
  --without-imap \
  --without-ldap \
  --without-mcal \
  --without-mcrypt \
  --without-mhash \
  --without-custom-odbc \

The php binary when installed (in mycase) in /usr/local/bin works and
preforms all of the SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE stuff I have thrown at it so far.

It you run the ldd command on it you get this.

# ldd /usr/local/bin/php

dynamic linker: /usr/local/bin/php: file loaded: /usr/lib/libiodbc.so
dynamic linker: /usr/local/bin/php: file loaded:
dynamic linker: /usr/local/bin/php: file loaded: /usr/local/lib/libz.so.1
dynamic linker: /usr/local/bin/php: file loaded: /usr/lib/libsocket.so.1
dynamic linker: /usr/local/bin/php: file loaded: /usr/lib/libc.so.1

There is probably a whole lot of stuff that is a bit wrong with what I have
done above, but a functioning binary was all I was after.  I would
appreciate any feedback on this.


Grant Walters
Brainbench 'Most Valuable Professional' for Unix Admin
Walters & Associates, P O Box 13-043 Johnsonville, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND
Telephone: +64 4 4765175, CellPhone 025488265, ICQ# 23511989

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