
I just have a couple of questions that I hope some people will know the answers to.

1. I am hoping to read the entire range of values from a field in my MySQL table into 
a combo box on my form, but I am not sure how.  On top of that, I want the user to 
select one value from this list, press next, and the combo box reappears with the full 
list minus the chosen value.  The user then chooses another, presses next, and the 
combo box then appears again, minus the two chosen values.  This loop continues until 

Does anyone have any ideas how I can do this?

2. I have created a session variable $session.  This is an array.  I have a dynamic 
variable, ${"myvalue$counter"}, which has particular values assigned.  The number of 
instances varies depending on the data in the database, so it is difficult to go 
through and assign each value to the session variable manually, eg 
$session["myvalue1"], $session["myvalue2"], etc.  Is there any way I can incorporate 
dynamic variable names into the array structure like above.  I have searched around, 
but I am not really sure what this would come under.

3. This is similar to above, but it refers to functions.  Is it possible to have 
dynamic function names that actually change from where you call it?

eg. $value=1;
(call function from within another file)
function name$value (...)
(call same function from within the same file as before)
function name$value (...)

Is this possible with php?

Thank you very much for your time,

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