Hi List

OK, firstly, sorry if this has been on the list before...

What I'd like to do is something like this:

I currently have an app that takes user input via a normal html form,
and then pops the content into mysql.

The problem is that lots of user complain that the submit times out due
to slow/bad connections, and hence the data gets lost.

What I was hoping to do now, was to somehow create a PDF form from the
current html form ( should generate itself on the fly ) , the PDF form
will obviously need to be downloaded to the user's PC, and will be
unique for each time they use the system, ie, I don't want to just give
them a blank template PDF, some of the values need to be
"auto-completed" and inserted into the form as "read-only", as well as a
couple of "hidden" fields with identifying values so I can know where to
pop it into the db.

The idea is that the user will now come to the point where he would
usually have filled in the html form, but instead, the app must
autogenerate a PDF with some values auto-completed and/or hidden, and
the user then downloads the pdf to his/her PC, where they continue to
fill out the pdf form.

Then, on completetion, I'd like to investigate several delivery
mechanisms, arguably, the easiest way for the users ( who are mostly
techno-peasants), is to simply e-mail the pdf as an attachment to me),
but then I will either have to create an auto-parser for the email
(prolly difficult and prone to problems with making sure the attachment
is correct etc), or I will have to then manually process the

Either way, I would need to "feed" the pdf to my app, where the
form/hidden variables would need to be harvested from the form, and noly
then (after validation), be entered into the db.

So, simple concept, but I'm sure many pitfalls, the least being probably
that I have never done this, and don't know where to start, or even if
it's possible/advisable to follow this route.

Hence my post here...

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