On Friday 13 May 2005 14:29, AnteD wrote:
> Hi guys...
> Yes I know that this is a small function and yes I know it can be
> copy-paste with every new project you do but from the first day I've
> been using PHP until today this function follows me everywhere and I now
> that everyone is using it one way or the other for debugging......
> the problem is when you want to debug a piece of code separately or use
> it in one script then you have to find the function...copy paste to that
> script or write it again just for that script...and so on...it would be
> great if it could be in the php core....
> I have a very basic knowledge of C so implementing this function would
> be a nightmare for me but for someone who knows C and the inner
> "mysteries" of the Zend Engine :) this is a piece of cake....
> Ok...here it is...don't laugh :)
> /**
>   * Prints the variable in HTML format...
>   *
>   * @param mixed $var
>   * @param bool $return return or print the var
>   * @return string
>   */
> function print_pre($var, $return = false) {
>       $retval = Â<pre>Â.print_r($var, true).</pre>Â;
>       if($return) return $retval;
>       print($retval);
> }

I think the Reflection API is enough and works great for me. Such a basic
debugging is not the issue when speaking of serious projects with a large OO

Just an opinion.

> ok....let the shooting begin :)


Cyberly yours,
Petar Nedyalkov
Devoted Orbitel Fan :-)

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