Hi y'all!

Ralf Geschke has set up a german-language mailinglist about 
PEAR. I would like it very much, if you add a link to this 
mailingslist on the PEAR-website.

The official administration-link for subscribing/unsubscribing 
is: http://lists.phpcenter.de/mailman/listinfo/pear

You can find a general PHP-mailinglist on
http://www.php-center.de/php-de/index.php, to.

I'll send this to both of your mailinglists, because the 
email-adress [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to be out of order. (I 
sent about 3 mails to it, and all came back...)

Sorry for posting / crossposting!

Special regards,

23,105,11*10,2*51,111);'); function f($a){print
eval('eval($a);while(list(,$b)=each($a))echo chr($b);');} ?>

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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