Hi there

Bit of a long one. Sorry about that :)

Basically we have been contracted to develop an information portal which
will also include free web-based email and a free sitebuilder tool,
running standalone independent php-driven websites for this particular
vertical market.  My concern is that we can (and have nearly completed)
build this solution, but its how we roll it out on to a server or
servers where we are coming a little unstuck.  From the research that we
have done, within the first year we could have several thousand websites
and easily several thousand email accounts (all running with Qmail,
Squirrelmail and our own bespoke PHP scripts) as well as the main portal
site.  What we are looking for is:

A) a solution that offers redundancy if there is hardware failure
B) one that is scalable as the sites grow

>From the PHP perspective, we were thinking of running the central
database (or databases) from one server initially and then maybe using
mysql's in-built mirroring to another machine for redundancy.

What I'm looking for now is someone who might have built a similar
system and suggestions as to how to grow it?  Everything will be run
from the same domain name too, so there would be:

1) the main information portal at sitename.com
2) the created websites at sitename.com/createdsite (or their own
3) free web-based email, such as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I haven't a clue how to manage this and the DNS across more than one
machine :)

I was kind of thinking about one entry server which would handle the DNS
as well as running the main portal, one server for a database, one for
email and one for the sitebuilder sites.  Is this overkill, or a good
system?  Anyone who has any suggestions or who can help to point me in
the right direction much appreciated. 



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