Hello, i got problem while i try to get many data and same variable with
one form.
Below my source code
cobain.php (Form For User)
print ("<FORM ACTION=\"coba.php\" METHOD=POST>\n");
print ("Nomor CD :<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=\"idD\"><BR>\n");
print ("<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=\"Submit\" VALUE=\"Kirim!\"></FORM>\n");


And i want get data from idD not just one data, but 10 in one submit.
And below my coba.php
<head><title> Konfirmasi </title></head>
$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "kalpin", "") or die("Could not
 echo ("Connected successfully \n");
 mysql_select_db("test_latih_CD") or die ("Cannot Selected Data");
$counter = count($idD);
echo $counter;
 $check ="SELECT id FROM CD WHERE id = '$idD' AND idO = '$idO'";
$q = mysql_query($check);
if (mysql_num_rows ($q))
 $x = mysql_fetch_array($q);
  echo ("Your Data has been exist with id = ". $x["id"]);
} else
$insert = "INSERT INTO CD values ('$idD')";
$result = mysql_query($insert)
     or die("insert failed");
echo ("Your Data has been added");


Thank You
 Kalpin Erlangga Silaen
 Kalpin is using i.am.not.a.staff.of.dal.net
 Kalpin has idle EVER and AFTER
 Kalpin is not a irc warrior
 Kalpin is away : Ready or Not, He will come

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