Hello all i have probably a pretty dumb one here. i need help with getting the proper 
count on my referrals the way i set it up was i was just going to count down the line 
by using the member table, i enter the referral in the member table when the new user 
is added, this may have been a bad idea but i figured it would save sql resources, 
well the problem is when i do the count it does okay unless i run accross a member who 
doesnt have a downline yet, say member1 has 4 referrals member2 has 3 well if the 
first of the 4 from member1 doesnt have any then it wont show what the next member 
has. i believe i need to place them in a array before using the count and im not sure 
of a good way to pull table information to an array. So really if someone could just 
show me a goodway to put information from a table into an array i could probably 
figure the rest out. Thanks for any help.

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