I have a database driven music web site that allows the admin to create
photo galleries. The photos and captions are entered using a form which
allows the admin to upload a small and large photo. The number of photos is
requested in a form that calls this entry form. The code looks like this:

     <td align=right>
      PhotoBig #<?echo"$a"?>:
      <input type=file name=userfile[]>
     <td align=right>
      PhotoSmall #<?echo"$a"?>:
      <input type=file name=userfile[]>
     <td align=right>
      Caption #<?echo"$a"?>:
      <input type = text name = NewCaption<?echo"$a"?>>

The problem is, there seems to be a maximum of 12 small and 12 large photos.
If I change to only large photos, the maximum becomes 25, which leads me to
believe that php puts a limit on the size an array from a form can be. The
error displayed comes from apache (internal server error) and in the apache
error log, I get the "premature end of script headers php.exe" message which
of course is no help.

Does anyone know of a setting in Apache or php to fix this?


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