Hi all

this is so weird but here it goes:
PHP version: 4.3.11
Operating system: win XP SP2

I have been using the same uploading script for a while. I just got a new Athlon 64bit and I installed PHP and the rest as always.

The only problem is that now my images are not getting to the directory I tell them to go.

Here is the script:
$thepathwithoutslash = "c:/Inetpub/wwwroot/mario/cms-front";

$subpath = "images/uploaded";

$unique_id = time();

$num = 0;

$unique_id = time() + $num;

$picture = "fileup$num"."_name";

$picture1 = $$picture;

$picture2 = "fileup$num";

$picture3 = $$picture2;

$picture1 = $unique_id ."-". $picture1;

$picture1 = str_replace(" ", "_", $picture1);

if($picture3 != "none") {

move_uploaded_file($picture3, "$thepathwithoutslash/$subpath/$picture1");


When I do error checking I get no errors.

on the form side I have:

<form action="photos_a_s.php" method="post" name="theform" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="iso-8859-1,iso8859-7">

and <input type='file' name='fileup0' size='24' border='0' class='input'>

Now the funny bit is that if I change the path to c:\Inetpub it works but if I change it to c:\Inetpub\wwwroot it doesn't.

There is no security on the dirs, the php.ini is as it was in all the other machines I worked on...

Can enyone help?



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