Hello friends,

Thanks for the help with the file upload, that has been solved by simply
setting the write permissions on the corresponding directories.

Another thing: I have developed my PHP application on a Windows machine with
a MySQL server database. However, it was meant for a Linux server running

Now it turns out that the results of SQL statements  including UPDATE,
DELETE or INSERT are not shown on the PHP page. To say it in another way: I
have a form which after submitting performs an UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE, and
I don't see their effects on the database on the results page.

I have already checked that the mentioned database operations are carried
out, but it is as if the pages are cashed in someway or that the server does
not allow database updates to be shown on the browser.

What phenomenon is this? I know that Apache has some peculiarities which has
to do with setting security. I am not an expert in Apache, not to say I am a
complete nitwit in Apache.

Also, my script works perfectly on my Windows machine.

Can somebody help me out please?

Thank you,

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