please consider that my comments could start some kind
of OO holywar, you have been warned ;-)

Richard U wrote:
from a design perspective... which class over here should have the sql to 
search, update, add and remove groups? source...

none of them - they are all abstract! once you get into writing SQL (or writing code that generates it) your in implementation terratory - which means the code belongs in a subclass of GenericUser (or GenericGroup, depending on
whether your modelling a group or user)

with regard to the Manager object [concept] (I notice there wasn't one for 
Users) - I don't like them,
It feels like an unnatural split of responsibility, I feel the delete() and 
add() methods should
be non-static member funcs of the GenericGroup class (in the case of 'groups'), and that the rest of the find/search/get/getAll type of functions should be static members of that class.

coming back to the delete() method; you can only delete an 'entity' exists ... 
so doing
something like:

        GroupManager::delete( $groupId );


        $gm = new GroupManager();
        $gm->delete( $groupId );

is a bit wrong [IMHO] because the group with id $groupId may not even exist to 
begin with,
rather I would advocate something like (I'm assuming you understand Exceptions 
in order
to given the concept the necessary context - that is to say I don't feel you 
can make this
work cleanly with proper use of exceptions):

        try {
                Group::get( $groupId )->delete();
        catch (UnknownObject $e) {
                // group doesn't even exist (someone trying to hack our script?)
        catch (FailedDeletion $f) {
                // database didn't allow our deletion (some kind of constraint 
in place?)
        catch (DBError $f) {
                // general database problem

actually It seems that there is a good candidate for create a base abstract 
class that both
GenericUser and GenericGroup ... something like:

abstract class DataObject
        abstract static public function get($keys);
        abstract static public function getAll();
        abstract static public function find($searchCriteria);

        abstract public function add();
        abstract public function update();
        abstract public function delete();


oh and if I were you I kep an eye on the ZendFramework, if only to see how they 
tackling these generic-data-object problems.

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