Hi, I follow bugtraq and recently there was a thread
regarding safe_mode of php and how to "break" it.
The thread was killed without a conclusion to where
this is really a new threat or the same problem
(scripts executed with sage uid/gid of the web

So, I was wondering if the php-dev team has already
reached a veredict.

I recently saw a post about the use of suExec and I'd
like to know the performance impact and is there
anything php could do to make such thing easier
(perhaps this is more an apache issue).

Up to now all my virtual domains have used safe_mode,
openbase_dir and document_root settings limiting the
access to files/scripts located under the virtual
directory and no access to override the settings with
a .htaccess.

Is this secure "enough" ? My major concern is the
hability to upload a php code (using ftp), some c
files of a local exploit, compile it and execute as


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