I have what appears to be a successful implementation of Java support
compiled into PHP running on an Apache server. Specifics:

PHP: 4.0.5
Java: 1.3.1 (Sun)
Apache: 1.3.19
OS: Redhat 6.2

The problem I'm experiencing has to do with finding multiple Apache child
processes spawned but never closed for each call to Java. They show up with
' rt_sigsuspend ' in a PS listing. My guess, based on looking for that term
on the net, is that it may have to do with the Java RunTime not being able
to exit and hanging. Over a day or two, three developers can crank the
Apache processes up near 300.

I'd appreciate any help with this. I'm currently "cleaning up" with a cron
script, but I'd like to solve the problem if at all possible.

-Jim Kirkpatrick

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