I'm wondering if anyone else is trying to run the SAPI
version of PHP on Apache for Win32 and hitting problems
with the include_path?   

I'm running Win2K, if I set the include_path parameter
to any non-blank value I get an error as follows:

Warning: Failed opening '/apache/htdocs/helloworld.php' for inclusion
(include_path='.') in Unknown on line 0

How to test it on your system:

- add the following to your HTTPD.conf:
   LoadModule php4_module "./PATH_TO_PHP/sapi/php4apache.dll"

- comment out:
   Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe"

- give "everyone" user access to read/execute to a sub-directory
in your htdocs directory.

- create a PHP file that just echo's "hello world" w/ no include/require

- restart apache

- run the script  (should be ok)

- add include_path="." to your PHP.ini (this will 
search for includes in local directory)

- restart apache

- run the script  (does it give this error?)

Can someone tell me if I missed something in configuring Apache/PHP
that would cause this?

Here is the bug report I filed:


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