I have just installed PHP 5.2.4 on Windows 2003 machine running IIS. 
Everything is fine except when I try to enable the MySQL extension
(either php_mysqli.dll or php_mysql.dll), when I do a php_info(), at the
bottom I get the message 

"Error in my_thread_global_end(): 1 threads didn't exit".

All my other extensions (curl, MSSQL, Oracle, etc.) load fine.  It's
only when trying to enable this one.

I did a manual install, using the php-5.2.4-Win32.zip.  This contains
versions of php_mysql.dll and php_mysqli.dll.

I found a thread where someone said they fixed this by disabling
php_iisfunc in the php.ini, but my php.ini doesn't even have this in

Any ideas?




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