At 19.06.2001 11:20, Mattias Segerdahl wrote:

>For all those that's seeking support for php, there are two options,
> sells SOS, you could also join #php on efnet for help..

I doubt #php would attract the big bad corporations using php, I've seen
people give rm -rf / millions of times on IRC, and who would you sue if you
happen to get that advice... no money involved, usually no responsibilities...

Further you have to be reasonably lucky to find somebody with the required
knowledge, time and willigness to solve a problem over IRC, and for a complex
and possible business-critical web-solution you'd probably require the 
to sign a NDA...

Zend and _many_ other companies offer this to those who can pay for it, just
check with your local webhotel and ask them about creating a web-solution for
you and tell more than happily take your money ;-).

(No I haven't given the rm -rf /, but witnessed it and actually seen people 
back and say.. 'uh what happened?', 'ls doesn't work anymore...')

Andreas D Landmark / noXtension
Real Time, adj.:
         Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there
and then.

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