This is an older problem that I posted to the list and since the solutions
posted didnt really work,
I started searching for a different solution.

Required result:
After each email show the client a message:
Sent email #1
Sent email #2

The message should display after each email which is easily enough done via
simple echo but the problem
is that all browsers wait and display a crapload of "sent email #x" instead
of one by one....

I tired Andre's solution of flush() but like its documented in the manual,
its giving problems on NN and
tiny problems on IE :-(....I am sure many of you more seasoned php guys must
have faced a problem
like this and maybe used a flash "progress bar"?
If yes, any chance of sharing that file with me or giving me a URL to one
such file which interacts with
the php "sending mail script"?

Have been searching google for the past 30 mins...will continue to search,
but have not made this myself
as I dont know flash well enough....

Any ideas?


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