I'm trying to set up a small academic web server with PHP and CGI. 
Currently, I have CGI running under suexec, and PHP installed as a
module, configured to run in SAFE_MODE.  However, some of the students
are running up against the limitations of SAFE_MODE (most notably, not
being able to create subdirectories and then access them - wtf?!), and
we'd like to maybe setup PHP to run under suexec as a CGI, for those
users who need it only.  To keep server load / overhead down, we'd
like to leave everyone else using PHP as a module.  We only have the
one IP address, so running separate instances of Apache isn't going to
fly.  Is there a way to do what we're trying to do?  (Ideally, .php
would work for both, with the determination of suexec vs. module being
made based on the user's virtualhost settings.)


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