Hey there i noticed sometinh quite odd when trying to include a class

There are several classes in the project in question.
Every class resides i a separate file that gets included.

When i call the following method

 function mRenderPrintNav($client) {

//include the class definition
  $menu=new Menu;

PHP complains

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class menu in ..//_common/layernav.cls.php
on line 3

ok i started checking if i include the file twice, ich wrote some chars
before the first <?
in the class file, and i see the chars once, but not twicw.
There is no other class called menu in the same project.

So i checked the defined classes with PHP's get_declared_classes().

if i check the declared classes *before* the include it says that the
class Menu is defined.
if i uncomment the include (it is called after get_declared_classes())
the class is not defined at all.

weird.i dont get it.
maybe you do

thank you guys

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
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47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

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