
I'm currently looking at the Java/Servlet code and trying to get it to
a little more stable (Sam appointed me to this task a few months ago
and I've been slowly coming up to speed).  I apologize on Sam's
behalf for not responding to you but he's moved on to other
responsibilities which involves a lot of travel and he may not be as
attentive to the needs of PHP users as he may have been in the past.

So far, I found that the Java feature is very inefficient since it
starts up
a JVM per session and could quickly max out your machine's resources.
The Servlet feature, on the other hand, is much more practical but there

may be some reentrancy bugs in it as I always get a trap after 3
if I compile without debug.  However, enabling debug appears to mask
the problem so that it doesn't trap (at least with my limited testing).
hope to have this fixed soon and we're planning to take it through some
more intensive stress testing to make sure it's ready for prime time.
Watch this space.


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