On 8 Feb 2001 06:24:20 -0800, Kato Strandjord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How is it possible to parse a WML strin variable with a value="SO480", and
>parse over to a PHP strin variabl , so you can use it to in a PFP function.
>I get a error messages in M3gate WAP emulator, an UP SDK emulator telling me
>this"unsupported content-type: text/html"

Yes. In fact, WML requests will behave just like normal HTML form requests. The
error you are receiving probably means that you need to set the mime-type for
the page you are returning:

header("Content-Type: text/vnd.wap.wml");

As a side note, consider testing your pages in Opera. Opera supports WML
reasonably well and has the side-benefit of being much easier to work with. If
you get an error, not all of the WAP emulators will show you the actual error
message. Many of them also have an annoying habit of caching pages even if you
ask them to clear the cache, which makes development rather more tedious than
it needs to be.

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