I am grabbing this page and trying to grab the stats on the page: 

The code I had worked just fine before but now that there are players that have 
multiple lines, it's not working as I'd like it to. Below is the code that worked and 
I need help to get it to ignore the lines of players from other teams and just get 
thheir total number.

$statsURL = "http://slam.canoe.ca/StatsHKN/BC-HKN-STAT-TORONTOSTAX-R.html";;
$season = "2002-03R";
$urlHandle = fopen("$statsURL", "r");
 if (!$urlHandle) {
  echo "$errstr ($errno)<br>\n";
 $rawHtml = fread($urlHandle,1000000);
 $rawHtml = stristr($rawHtml, "<pre>");
$stats = substr($rawHtml, 0, strpos($rawHtml, "</pre>")-1);
 $playerline = preg_split("/\n/", $stats, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
 $count = count($playerline);

 echo "Players: $count<P>";
 for ($x = 0; $x <= $count; $x++)  {
  $playerstats = preg_split("/[ ]/", $playerline[$x], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

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