Hi, I'm a newbie with php and I have a big problem with the use of PHP 4.1.1
with apache/1.3.26, mod_ssl/2.8.10 and OpenSSL/0.9.6d. (Tested on Windows
and Linux)

For a demonstration I have to get the user certificate of an SSL connection
to identify the user.
I try to get information's about the client with the following script:
echo "Info: \"";
echo getenv("REMOTE_USER")  . "\"<br>";
echo "\"" . getenv("SSL_USER") ."\"<br>";
echo "\"" . getenv("LOCAL_USER") ."\"<br>";

echo "<p>SSL Version used: " .getenv("SSL_VERSION_LIBRARY");
echo "<p>Your Name: " .getenv("SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN");
echo "<p>Your Certificate are signed by: " . getenv("SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_CN");

echo "CLIENT <br>";
echo "Issuer: " . $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_I_DN'] . "<br>";
echo "Subject: " . $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN'] .  "<br>";
echo "Validity Start: " . $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_V_START'] . "<br>";
echo "Validity End: " . $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_V_END'];
The SSL connection work properly (I debug the client info from apache in a
file) but none of the parameters I used above are set to anything.
Are there special settings in a configuration file or have I compile one
package with special parameters to get an access to the SSL client
certificate information's?

Thaks a lot for every answert!

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