I created a php class in charge of doing mysql queries and when this query is called it returns an object of the type "myddl_result", this second object is passed the resource of type mysql_result and if i debug the whole thing i seems allright until the __construct is complete, after that, the __destruct is called for i don't know which reason and the rest is executed normally....

At that point my resource is of type unknown and can't be used anymore... I really need help on that please... i don't understand whats happening even after reading the php website 2x about php 5 objects...

Note: What i understand is that the __destruct is called and thats what destroys my resource since i call the mysql_free_result, i tried commenting it but obviously thats not what i want, i want to free the resource when the object is destroyed which is good pratice, but WHY is the __destruct called, it doesn't make sense it's not supposed to be destroyed it's just been created...


public function query($sql, $buffered = true){
  //execute the query and look for an exception
  if($buffered == true){
   $res = mysql_query($sql, $this->p_mylink);
   $res = mysql_unbuffered_query($sql, $this->p_mylink);
  if(is_resource($res)){    //Result returned
   $mddl_result = new myDDLResult($res);
   echo 'Completed creation<br><pre>';
   echo '</pre><br>';
   return $mddl_result;    //Create a result object and return it
  }elseif($res === true){    //Command executed succesfully
   return new myDDLResult();    //Create a result object and return it
  }elseif($res === false){    //Can only mean an error occured
   return $this->getError();    //Create a result object and return it
  }else{    //Impossible case but we'll warn the user
   throw new myDDLException('query failed to compare mysql_query type');
 throw new myDDLInvalidOperationException('Not connected to server');


//Class in charge of interfacing a result
final class myDDLResult {
    //Local vars
    private $p_myresult;

    //Constructor / destructor
    public function __construct($result = NULL){
        echo 'Creating';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';
        $this->p_myresult = $result;
    public function __destruct(){
        echo 'Destroying';
        echo '<br>';
        echo '<br>';

resource(3) of type (mysql result)
resource(3) of type (mysql result)
Completed creation

object(myDDLResult)#1 (1) {
  resource(3) of type (Unknown)
Destroyingresource(3) of type (Unknown)

Warning: mysql_free_result(): 3 is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Source\palliscience\maj.palliscience.com\dev\lib_myddl.php on line 200

resource(3) of type (Unknown)

Warning: mysql_free_result(): 3 is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Source\palliscience\maj.palliscience.com\dev\lib_myddl.php on line 200
resource(3) of type (Unknown)

Warning: mysql_free_result(): 3 is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Source\palliscience\maj.palliscience.com\dev\lib_myddl.php on line 200
resource(3) of type (Unknown)

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