if you know the xml language, you notice that all tags that start with <?
are called processing-istructions tags, and the word that follow the
question mark is the TARGET of the following istructions.

This is an example of xml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?cocoon-process ....?>
<tag>my text</tag>

between <?php and <? there are no differences, but you should use the
extended form (<?php) if you want that your code is more portable and
reusable, in fact, you can't use <? alone in an xml file, the xml parser
don't let you do that.


Php Guy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I am a newbie at this PHP thing and I have been working from information
> on the web and from books.
> I noticed that some start the PHP script with <? and some start with
> <?php.  Actually I have noticed that one of the first PHP script in my
> book uses both methods interchangeably.
> Is there a real difference between the two?
> Or maybe I just haven't noticed something.
> Peter

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