Hum.....  Maybe it is because of the weekend or maybe it is because the
combination of RH7, Oracle and PHP is too volitile, but I have yet to
hear of anyone who has gotten this to work.  Well, my experience brings
up serious doubts that it can be done (but I will persist!)

I will quickly recap if you have not followed my previous posts.  I
recompiled Apache and PHP according to instructions causing a working
situation to become broken.  All PHP code showed in the browser instead
of being rendered.  I went over my configuration with a find tooth comb
and it appeared correct.

In response to this, I decided to return to my previous state by
installing the RH7 rpm with the additional oci rpm for Oracle support.
Indeed, it did improve the situation but only halfway.  Let me

The browser now renders the PHP correctly and the phpinfo() function
shows that the --with-oci8 support is included.  However, when I use the
basic OCI function OCILogin, I get the following error (just as I did
when I first started this mess):

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ocilogon() in
/home/jon/public_html/test.php on line 25

So, I tried to run the file from the command line, and lo and behold,
the file worked as it should.  I did not get any errors whatsoever.

What the hell could all this mean?

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