This is a forwarded message
From: Badger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, September 10, 2001, 12:23:54 AM
Subject: [PHP] mail() ERROR - WHY, WHY, WHY

===8<==============Original message text===============
Hello ,

I drowing here and need a life-ring!  I have a site relying heavily on
e-mail registration, forums, etc. and mail() is broken in my php
install.  I've been using an smtp server other than sendmail, but
based on recommendations I have removed that smtp server, removed php,
installed sendmail, reinstalled php, and php still complains that
"Warning: mail() is not supported in this PHP build" and sendmail is
clearly in my /var/lib/php.ini sendmail_path and the location is
correct.  I can send mail from the command line, but not via php's

Need Heeeeeelp! real bad.

(beg, beg)
Best regards,
 Badger                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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===8<===========End of original message text===========

I am desperate to get this working.   If anyone can tell me a way to
troubleshoot this problem, I'll be happy to pursue it myself.  I am
running the RedHat 7.1 distribution of Linux, Apache 1.3.20, php
4.0.6, and sendmail-8.10.11.  The Apache and php are src builds using
tarballs and the sendmail is an rpm - I am only using sendmail to
troubleshoot the problem, but I will eventually use dmail as my smtp
server.  All the above servers are on the sam machine.

I have turned logging on in my php.ini, but the mail() error does not
get written to the log file I specified, only to the Apache error log
- but the error is the same as that displayed in my browser when php
tries to call mail()  "Warning: mail() is not supported in this PHP build"

I've tried everything I can think of and recommendations from this

I have removed php, removed sendmail, reinstalled sendmail,
reinstalled php:

here is my php build:


./configure --prefix=/usr/local \
--with-apache=/usr/local/src/Apachetoolbox-1.5.38/apache_1.3.20 \
--enable-exif \
--enable-track-vars \
--with-calendar=shared \
--enable-safe-mode \
--enable-magic-quotes \
--enable-trans-sid \
--enable-wddx \
--enable-ftp \
 --with-gd="/usr/local" \
--with-zlib \
--enable-gd-native-tt \
--with-t1lib="/usr/local/lib/php/t1libs" \
--with-jpeg-dir="/usr/local" \
--with-png-dir="/usr/local" \
--with-zlib-dir="/usr/local" \
--with-ttf \
--with-freetype-dir="/usr/local" \
 --with-imap=/usr/local \
 --with-mhash=/usr/local \
 --with-mcrypt=/usr/local \
 --with-unixODBC=/usr/local/unixODBC \
 --with-mysql \

 My php.ini is i the proper location and chnges get reloaded after
 reloading Apache - verified by phpinfo().  Here is the pertinent area
 of my php.ini file:


 sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i

 Here are others that I've tried in my php.ini file:

 sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail

 sendmail_path = /usr/sbin

 sendmail_path = ".:/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i"


 sendmail_path = ".:/usr/sbin/sendmail"


 sendmail_path = ".:/usr/sbin"

 ;sendmail_path =   (default)


 I still get the mail() error

 Please help me figure this one out.
Best regards,
 Badger                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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