On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 07:52:21PM -0400, Mike Morton wrote:
> What I am looking for specifically is a company that someone can recommend
> from direct experience, one that is customer friendly, offers dedicated
> servers at a REASONABLE price, offers admin support and server support, etc,
> etc, etc, and most importantly has expertise in compiling PHP.
> If anyone out there know of a company like this and can recommend them - I
> would appreciate it :) It will save literally hours and hours of sorting
> through the  google listings that a php dedicated hosting search brings
> back!  (2 days of sorting to this point anyhow!)

I would tout my own company, but we focus more on co-location of
customer-provided equipment rather than server rental.

So I'll tout the competition and throw http://prioritycolo.com/ into the
fray.  The guy who owns and runs it is friendly, honest and highly
knowledgeable, the upstream connectivity is fast and reliable (though
not multihomed AFAIK).  The servers are FreeBSD with CPanel (unless you
specifically require something else), and the prices are excellent.

Plus, he's local.  :-)  His cage is at 151 Front, just down the hall
from mine.

  Paul Chvostek                                             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  it.canada                                            http://www.it.ca/
  Free PHP web hosting!                            http://www.it.ca/web/

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