> Hi,
> I have Apache 2.0.52 with PHP 4.3.9, running on a Linux Fedora 3, and
> cannot write through PHP on any folder, except for /tmp.
> No matter which permissions, owner or group are set for the folders or
> files, they never become writable.
> When I execute the following script, I have always obtain as a result,
> that "The file is not writable", although it should be, because test.txt
> has Apache as its owner and group, and permissions for reading, writing
> and executing for the owner, group and others.
> In Apache, the user and group are set to Apache, and in PHP the safe mode
> is off

<SNIP code>

The directory where you are trying to write should also have write and scan
(x) permissions for the user; this probably means making the directory
chmod o+wx

David Robley

My hat covers my head... Just like hair used to!

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