This may be of some use to you?


[ lucas ]

"Chris Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm wondering if there are any articles or other material describing how
> design PHP web applications in a highly object oriented fashion?
> Specifically, object relational mapping, using classes for nearly
> (as appropriate), etc.  The articles don't have to be PHP specific, but
> PHP's OO/class facilities leave a bit to be desired in comparison to say
> Java, so how this is done in PHP would be interesting.
> I've read a few PHP articles, a couple books, etc. on the "typical" (my
> impression) way of designing PHP web apps, where it's pretty much a 2
> setup of UI and database, and there is no encapsulation/data hiding, and
> classes/objects aren't used much.
> Pointers to any material of this nature would be appreciated.
> ____
> Chris Bailey        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Code Intensity

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