> Hi All,
> Does unset() create a copy of the array and then overwrite the 
> original
> somehow 
> destroying the reference?
> -----------------------------------------------
> <?php
> $stuff = array(array('one','two'),
> array('one','two'),
> array('three','four'),
> array('five','six'),
> array('seven','eight'),
> array('nine','ten'));
> print '<pre>'; print_r($stuff); print '</pre>';
> foreach ($stuff as $key => &$values) {

This kind of array manipulation only works in PHP5... which I assume you
are using?

>     print "on key:$key<br>";
>       if(($key%2)==0){
>           print "Running unset for $key <br>";
>           unset ($stuff[$key]);

This works fine for me... again, using PHP5 here.

>       }else{
>           print "Running change for $key <br>";
>           $values[1]='foo';

Now this is an interesting problem.  It seems that $values[1] is not
being changed.  I don't know if this is a quirk or not, but since
$values should be a reference I would expect it to work for values that
are arrays (and not just scalars).  Check out bugs.php.net for this part
of the problem.

Seems the root issue here is that array references only work for scalar
values.  This is also a PHP5-only issue (since foreach references wasn't
a feature of PHP4).

> //        $stuff[$key][1] = 'foo';

Using foreach in PHP4 you would have to do something like the line above
to change a value.  It appears that this is also the only way to do it
in PHP5? ... but IMO this shouldn't be the way it is...

>       }
> }
> print '<pre>'; print_r($stuff); print '</pre>';
> ?>

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