I personally abandoned using any com object a few months ago as maintaining and identifying similar problems took mmore time that writing effective code to make the system steady...

C C wrote:

I am running PHP 4.3.4 on Windows 2000 server with
Apache 2.0.48. I am using COM objects in some of the
pages. My question is, how do I release them when I'm
done? Right now, I'm unsetting them, but after a few
days I get COM+ Errors in the Event Viewer:

The COM+ Services DLL (comsvcs.dll) was unable to load
because allocation of thread local storage failed.

Process Name: Apache.exe
Error Code = 0x80070008 : Not enough storage is
available to process this command.
COM+ Services Internals Information:
File: .\comsvcs.cpp, Line: 289

Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks,


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