Jack wrote:
Dear all
I had write a script like this :

$link = "page.php?day=$day&month=$month&year=$year";

when i click on the link, it should pass the parameter to "page.php" with
$month and $year variables.
It actually works fine in php4.2.1, but when i went to other office which
got php5.0 above installed, using the same script, but it won't pass any
parameters to page.php! How come?

I heard there is something to set in the php5.0's php.ini before i can do
so, is that right?

Please could anyone give me a hand on this?

IIRC, a default installation does not automatically make global variable ou of GET parameters.

echo $_GET['day'].'<br />';
echo $_GET['month'].'<br />';
echo $_GET['year'].'<br />';

I think it's called GPC in the php config file.


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