> I've been searching the PHP website and FAQ and also the Analog web server =
> analyzer website and their FAQ, but I haven't found an answer and was =
> wondering if anyone else had seen ridiculously high request counts for =
> their PHTML pages?
>  I've tried a couple of the pages on my site and a single reload will =
> result in the request count being incremented by 1000+.  According to =
> Analog, about 96% of our requests have come from two pages on our website. =
>  Not many of the phtml pages are misbehaving as far as I can see, but the =
> few problem pages are a bugger.
> Nothing very fancy in the code.  Primarily some include requests and a =
> little bit of Javascript to parse the contents of a meta tag, format the =
> result and create the HTML code to display it.
> Does anyone have any ideas as to the cause of the high count?  or pointers =
> to a site with the answer?
> TIA muchly,

First thing I would do is have a lok at the raw server log, if you have 
access to it; there may be a clue in there. Also, if you have redirects 
using regex in your server config make sure you don't have circular 
references there.

Failing that, perhaps you could post the code for the offending scripts?

David Robley
Temporary Kiwi!

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