Yikes, scratch my last post!

I think I stumbled over the answer just after I posted it.

Freedomware wrote:

I thought this would be the easiest thing to learn, but I'm striking out right and left. I bought a book about PHP, but the includes examples don't work for me at all. I searched several forums and www.php.net, but it's hard to even zero in on a good tutorial.

I think part of the problem is that the word "include" apparently covers a lot of territory.

I'm looking for a plain vanilla equivalent to Microsoft's "include pages." For example, suppose I want to have the same title and image at the top of every page on my website. I could put the title and image on a separate page, then use an include to insert it on all the other pages.

It might be especially nice to find an online working example that could be downloaded and picked apart.


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