Paul Goepfert wrote:

Hi all,

I building a website with PHP.  I am going to be using functions to
deal with vaildation.  I am putting all the methods in a class called
Validation. My problem is I do not know how to call the function. Well I shouldn't say that. I know how to call functlions, I just just
don't know how to do it in PHP.  Let me put it this way.  When I write
programs in C++/Java I know that I have to do the following steps,

create an object reference to the class
use the object reference to access the methods.

I am almost certain that it is the same thing in PHP.  So this is what
I did in my web page.

if (isset($submit))
//validation code
class Validation
        function checkEmpty ($var)
                if (empty($var))
                        echo "YEAH It works!!";

        <td align="left">First Name</td>
        <td align="left">
                <span class="color">*</span><input type="text" name="name" 
                        $v = new Validation;

... = rest of php/html code

the else block holds the entire html code for the page

Do I have the logic right?


Yes and no. Yes, you're calling it correctly, and no because when submit is set, your php scipt will have a class called Validation, and no HTML is being sent to output. On the other hand, when submit is not set, you output a bunch of HTML, but never define your class, and thus will get a couple of errors from it.

- tul

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