"Richard Davey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> It's a warm sunny day and I'm trying to wrap my head around the
> following:
> I want to be able to check to see if, in a string, the user has
> entered too many consecutive characters and not enough spaces. For
> example they might enter a subject like:
> "hello world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how arrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you today?????!!"
> Does anyone have a nice technique for checking the following:
> 1) Count the length of the words in the string, i.e. if there are any
> words beyond say 20 characters then I need to know what they are so I
> can flag up a warning.
> 2) Count the number of punctuation characters vs. alphanumerics - I
> don't want the exclamation mark syndrome shown above, so I need to set
> a friendly trade-off limit somehow.
> Any thoughts appreciated.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Richard Davey
>  http://www.phpcommunity.org/wiki/296.html

Hi Richard,

to count the words and check its length you could use explode() to split the
string into an array by a space (' '):

$words = explode(' ', $input);
$allowedWordLength = 20;
$tooLongWord = false;
$checkChar = '!';
$tooManyChars = false;

// loop through the array and check each word's length and char occurrence
foreach ($words as $word) {
   if (strlen($word) > $allowedWordLength) $tooLongWord = true;

   // check the occurrence of a special character in the word
   if (substr_count($word, $checkChar) > 1) $tooManyChars = true;

// print an error if one of the words is too long
if ($tooLongWord) echo 'Error: Your words are too long!';

// print an error if the checked char occurred too often in one of the words
if ($tooManyChars) echo 'You had too many ' . $checkCar . ' in your input!';

The above code is not tested but should work. Hope this helps.

Regards, Torsten

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