dav wrote:

I have question about \0 character with DOM :

<snip />

What to do with the character \0 ? encode this character to obtain : 
<![CDATA[foo&00;bar]]> ? or skip the character with str_replace("\0", '', 
$cdata)  ?

CDATA is raw data and why it doesnt get magically encoded. If you remove the character then you are altering the raw data - also not a good thing typically.

What is the best thing to do ? i like to conserve the \0 because is a blob data
Jabber is how to transmit binary ?

Never use CDATA sections. blob data should always be base64 encoded (or some other encoding). The data can then be transmitted in a regular element.

Note that it is possible that your blob data can contain the following sequence of characters "]]>" which would effectively terminate the CDATA block even though there really is more data.


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