I did similiar posting about finding the last day of the month last week and
got some response.  So, I'll just post some clipping from php.net for you.
If your machine support the php mktime() then you're in for luck.  You can
find more info about it at php.net with the function, date() and mktime().


   //To find out the last day of the month
   echo date ("M-d-Y", mktime (0,0,0,12,32,1997));


Scott F.

"Jay Blanchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Has anyone written any date validation function or sequence. I have
looked around, but haven't found anything. I am cobbling togather
something, but was hoping to not have to re-invent the wheel. The date
is formatted YYYYMMDD and is input by the user;

$userCentury = substr($userDate, 0, 2); //must be 20 (no problem)
$userYear = substr($userDate, 2, 2); //must be 03 or better
$userMonth = substr($userDate, 4, 2); // 01-12
$userDay = substr($userDate, 6, 2); // 01-31

It doesn't matter if the month is 02 and they have entered 31 as the
day. If any one of the four conditions is not true it gives them a
warning. Anyone done this before?



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