Is there a way to make an array with only the key defined? That maybe will
help me.

$area = array('news' => array('admin'));

print_r($area) gives me:

Array ( [corporativo] => Array ( [0] => classificados ) )

  The key is '0', I need key 'classificados' without a value, so I can make

function MakePowers ($area, $powers)
    foreach ($powers as $value) {
        $_SESSION[$area] = $value;

  But this gives me ILLEGAL OFFSET error on $_SESISON[$area];

  Any help? Again? :-)


Julio Nobrega.

Um dia eu chego lá:

Ajudei? Salvei? Que tal um presentinho?

"Julio Nobrega Trabalhando" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>   Hi All!
>   Here's something I am trying to do, and I don't know if it's possible. I
> have a function that must register session variables, values that come
> an array. But each of these values will be the value of an session array,
> non-fixed size.
>   Let me explain (w and d stands for Write and Del):
> What I need:
> $_SESSION['news']['w'] = 1;
> $_SESSION['news']['d'] = 1;
>   So what I am doing:
> $w = 1;
> $d = 1
> $powers = ($w, $d); // This array can have an undetermined number of
> function MakePowers ($area, $powers)
> {
>     foreach ($powers as $value) {
>         $area = $value;
>     }
> }
>   Now here comes the real problem, $area specifies where in the $_SESSION
> array I will store the power.
>   I did $area = $_SESSION['news'] but gives me a "undefined index 'news".
> could define 'news' for each page of my application but that's not much
> function reuse :-)
>   And $area could be, in different pages, $_SESSION['news]['admin'],
> $_SESSION['forum'], etc...
>   That's my non-fixed sized array. I need to make a central function that
> will store in different keys of $_SESSION values that say what powers the
> user has, powers that come from the $powers array.
>   ANY help? I hope I did a good job trying to explain what I am trying to
> :-)
>   Many thanks for any help, sincerely!
> --
> Julio Nobrega.

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