
Why not call the makepic.php image, passing in an URL parameter that is always 
different. This makes the browser think you are always calling a different image, and 
won't cache it.

<IMG SRC="makepic.php?opt1=abc&opt2=def&nocache=<?php echo time() ?>">


"Mark Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have a PHP page which in turn calls an image-creating PHP program,
> like so:
> ...(calling page: mypage.php)..
> <body>
> <IMG SRC="makepic.php?opt1=abc&opt2=def">
> ....
> </body>
> </html>
> makepic.php does database lookups using the values of opt1 and opt2,
> then creates a graphic (PNG) using that data and returns the graphic.
> So far, so good... but the graphic is being cached, so the data is not
> always up-to-date, unless I do a shift-reload of the calling page.
> I tried adding a "pragma nocache" line to the HEAD of mypage.php,
> but that had no effect. I don't want to tell my users to always do a
> shift-reload - how can I force either mypage.php to not cache
> the graphic, or get makepic.php's output to not be cached????
> Thanks... replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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