Zak Mc Kracken wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a PHP function that parses a string as it was the content of a
> PHP file?
> I have a CMS application and editors write the news items text into a
> text area. Since they have some knowledge of PHP, I'd like to allow them
> to insert <? ... ?> or <?= ... ?> and have the content blocks parsed and
> executed. OK, this could be easily done parsing the string and passing
> the block contents to eval(). However I wonder wether there is some
> function already doing that (maybe in a more efficient way).
> Thanks a lot in advance.


This is a very dangerous thing to do, as it will allow execution of
arbitrary PHP code.  I highly recommend that you not allow this.
Instead, some kind of plugin system could be allowed where editors can
specify a plugin (something like [plugin name="blah" param1="blah"
param2="halb"]) and they upload the PHP code to a file on the server,
register that file as the plugin "blah" and go from there.

Anything else is begging to get the site hacked and cause yet another
vulnerability in a php app.


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