Timmy Turner in php.general (Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:02:43 +0200):
>I was looking through the changelog for PHP 5.5 and noticed the Zend
>OPcache. Will this be replacing APC? (Is APC still being maintained?)
>The reason I'm asking is because I use APC's data caching feature heavily,
>which Zend's OPcache (currently) does not offer. Given that APC's shared
>memory cache is probably as fast as (non-distributed) caching gets (for PHP
>anyways), it would be a shame to see it go in the future.

OPcache will replace APC eventually, because APC had too many issues
under PHP 5.5. For APC's data caching you should take a look at APCU
(APC without the opcode cache): https://github.com/krakjoe/apcu


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