>"Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

>I asked this on the pear list and haven't received an answer. Hopefully
>someone here can help.

>I want to move to pear for some of my development/consulting needs. I
>have only been exposed to pear for a script that I myself purchased, so
>I am not that familiar with it. I know that pear is already installed on
>my server, but I cannot speak for future clients. I would like to be
>able to give my customers a zip file with my script and all the needed
>pear modules. I've looked over the documentation and I did not see
>anything touching on this.

>What is an effective directory setup for this? Does this seem acceptable?



Hi Chris,

look at the require_once statements in the PEAR classes to see which
directories are expected by the packages. But your draft looks OK.

Torsten Roehr

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