Im not completely sure, but have you gone throught the settings in the
IIS server aswell? I know altleast for the CGI IIS has its own
timeout which overrides the php.ini file. It could be something here
aswell, but you probably have done this.

Kim Steinhaug

"Schonrock III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> All,
> I am attempting to upload a large file via PHP to a web server running
> Windows XP Pro IIS 5.1 and I am having some problems.  I have been trying
> find the right combination of settings in the php.ini file and elsewhere
> get large files to upload properly, but I keep getting a DNS error in
> Internet Explorer 6 that shows up after about 12MB or 12.5MB of a 21.7MB
> file has been transferred.
> When I looked at the IIS website connection timeout it was set at 900
> seconds.  I have tried many different variations in the php.ini settings
> file with little success.  I have tried using the "8M" format and also the
> full out Byte count for size fields in the php.ini file.  I can upload
> that are smaller that 10 MB (I tested with one that was 9MB earlier) with
> problem.  Here are my most recent relevant settings in my php.ini file
> I know of):
>   max_execution_time = 3600
>   max_input_time = 3600
>   memory_limit = 104857600
>   post_max_size = 104857600
>   upload_max_filesize = 104857600
> Does anyone have any ideas?  Am I missing something else?  If you need any
> more information that I left out please let me know.  My code for the php
> files is located below this message.  Any help is greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Keith
> -----Sending php file:
> <html>
> <body>
> <center>
> <b>This is a test document</b>
> <p>
> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload2.php" method="post">
>  Send this file: <input name="userfile" type="file" />
>  <input type="submit" value="Send File" />
> </form>
> </body>
> </html>
> -----Receiving php file:
> <html>
> <body>
> <?php
> $uploaddir = 'c:\\new\\out\\';
> $uploadfile = $uploaddir . $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
> print "<pre>";
> if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
>    print "File is valid, and was successfully uploaded. ";
>    print "Here's some more debugging info:\n";
>    print_r($_FILES);
> } else {
>    print "Possible file upload attack!  Here's some debugging info:\n";
>    print_r($_FILES);
> }
> print "</pre>";
> ?>
> </body>
> </html>

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